You love that your dog is your shadow, but maybe not when you’re on a Zoom call.
anxiety & separation anxiety
Learn how to deal with separation anxiety (and other forms of pet anxiety) so they keep calm when you’re not together.

And what to do when they go careening away from the Roomba.

It may happen more when there stressful events like fireworks.
New Dog Training Program
Try these free training programs from our friends at Dogo to help with new dog life and basic obedience.
Start Trainingopens in a new tab
Time for some screen-time ground rules, pups.

How to keep your dog mentally and physically safe this Fourth of July.

This summer, your pup deserves a little support.

How to Help Thunder-Phobic Dogs
Tips for comforting your pup when the storm is too loud for your pup’s comfort.
Just a small request to lower the volume, please.
Can Cats Have ADHD?
A question you may be asking after you observe any number of their behaviors...
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

It’s the unofficial start of summer, and you don’t want to spend it at the emergency vet.

Pro tips for boosting the confidence of a scaredy-cat dog.

Fireworks and thunderstorms aren’t the only things that make them say, “No, thanks!”

And when you want to draw the line at too many kisses.

It’s the key to a happy cat.

Did you get a dog for emotional support and now they are the one who needs it?