cat behavior
- behavior
How to Introduce Cats
- lifestyle
Are You and Your Cat Astrologically Compatible?
They might not care about the answer, but you do.
- behavior
Your Cat Wants to Go Outside More Than Anything — Should You Let Them?
The pros and cons of letting your cat explore the neighborhood (and beyond).
- behavior
How to Get a Cat in a Carrier
Here’s how you can train your stubborn cat to do one of their least-favorite things.
- behavior
Having This In Your Home Will Make Your Cat Scratch More, New Study Says
Plus, how to keep your kitty from destroying the couch.
- shopping
The Best Puzzles to Unleash Your Cat’s Inner Einstein
Genius takes many forms. Could your cat be one?
- lifestyle
How to Walk Your Cat on a Leash
Adventure Cats author Laura Moss’s step-by-step guide for hitting the streets with your cat.
- behavior
Why Do Cats Knock Stuff Over?
Your brand new iPhone, antique figurine, full glass of water—they will swat it off the table. A cat behaviorist explains why.
- behavior
What’s Your Cat’s Love Language?
Five surprising ways cats show affection (and how you can show it back), according to a cat behaviorist.
- behavior
Do Cats Like to Be Touched? These Are the Places They Prefer to Be Pet
And the surprising way to get your kitty to be more affectionate.
- behavior
Are There Certain Sounds That Cats Hate?
The internet says kitties despise “s” sounds, but it’s a little more complex than that.
- health
How to Get a Cat to Drink Water
Their desert-dwelling roots might resist hydration, but these tricks can help.
- lifestyle
What Is the Best Antibiotic for Cat Bites?
When playtime gets a little rough, here’s how to take care of yourself.
- lifestyle
Could Your Cat Be an Adventure Cat?
How you can train your cat to explore the great outdoors.
- behavior
Pets Are the Best Medicine for PTSD—Here’s Why
Trauma can take many forms. Along with traditional therapy, animals are a great help.
- behavior
How to Train a Cat to Use a Litter Box
If you do nothing else, teach your cat to poop in their litter box (not your shoe).
- lifestyle
Have a Big Ol’ Case of Anxiety? Studies Say a Cat Can Help
Believe it or not, that little ball of energy is actually your answer to stress relief.
- behavior
Can Cats See in the Dark? Facts About Cat “Night Vision” and Eyesight
Those glowing orbs certainly seem to be looking at something.
- behavior
Why Does My Cat Knead Me?
Among other things, “making biscuits” is a sign of affection. We’re not crying…
- behavior
Kittens Are Smarter Than Puppies, Study Says—And Really Good at Math
They aren’t exactly CPAs, but they can probably tell you which piggy bank has more coins in it.
- behavior
Anthropomorphizing Your Pets Can Actually Benefit Them—and You
If your friends make fun of you for treating your dog like a human being, send them this.
- behavior
The Perfect Cat for Every Astrological Sign
Are you a good match for an extroverted, social kitty — or a little Miss Independent?
- behavior
Is Cat Paw Reading Real? The Internet Thinks Your Kitty's “Toe Beans” Can Reveal Their Personality
Could the secret to understanding your cat be right under their paws?
- lifestyle
Mercury Is In Retrograde—Here’s How It Will Affect Your Pet This Aries Season
A Mercury petrograde, if you will—with a side of the zoomies.
- lifestyle
Downsize It: How to Live in Small Spaces With Pets
Whether you’re stuck in a tiny apartment or living on the road, @KeepingFinn’s Henry Friedman offers tips to not only endure—but thrive.
- behavior
Kittens Really Need Their Moms—Science Says So
The “I’m just a baby” TikTok sound definitely applies here.
- lifestyle
10 Times Animals Interrupted Sports Games and Delighted All the Fans
A highlight reel proving once again that animals are the worldwide leaders in sports delays.
- behavior
People Are Bad at Knowing When Their Cats Are Pissed, New Study Says
We can tell when cats are happy, but we’re pretty bad at figuring out when they’re not.
- behavior
Why It’s Time to Stop Using a Spray Bottle to “Train” Your Cat
And how to really get them to stop jumping on the counter.
- behavior
Why Does My Cat Meow So Much? Reasons Your Cat Meows Excessively
How to decode your cat’s love language when one meow has many meanings.
- behavior
8 Myths About Your Kitten—Busted By a Behaviorist
Forget everything you think you know about baby cats.
- lifestyle
Should You Kick Your Pet Out of the Room When You Have Sex?
And what to do if you and your partner can’t agree on whether you should have an audience.
- behavior
Can Cats Sense Pregnancy?
There could be a reason they seem to be a little more obsessed with you than usual.
- behavior
Can Cats Cry? How to Decipher Cat Crying
They aren’t exactly going to weep over a rom-com marathon with you, but here are the reasons your kitty could shed a tear.
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The Internet Thinks Cats Are Liquid—Here’s Why They Really Can Squeeze Into That Vase
“A cat can generally fit into anything their head can fit into.”
- behavior
7 Scents Your Cat Probably Can’t Stand—Plus, a Few They Love
Their noses are as powerful as they are cute.
- behavior
Why Does My Cat Chew On Everything?
How to decode your cat’s chewing habits when they’re nibbling on all the things.
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Nature vs. Nurture: Does Your Parenting Style Influence Your Pet’s Behavior?
Your personality may actually have something to do with your pet’s personality.
- behavior
5 Kitten Behavioral Milestones You Should Know
Keep track of all their fun phases with these guidelines.
- behavior
Have a Cat But Want a Dog, Too? Here’s How to Make It Work
Just a few things to keep in mind so everything goes smoothly as you all get adjusted.
- behavior
Everything You Need to Know About Your Cat’s Incredibly Powerful Nose
They have up to 200 million odor receptors that can pick up all the good (and horrible) smells. Learn how to best support their sensitive sniffers.
- behavior
Is “Orange Cat Behavior” Real?
Your TikTok algorithm would like you to think so, but the experts weigh in.
- health
How to Give a Cat a Pill
Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat.
- shopping
Litter Robot: Will My Cat Use an Automatic Litter Box?
I introduced my cat to an automatic litter box, and let’s just say it went off with multiple hitches.
- behavior
Cat Tail Meanings
Cats are enigmas. But their tail movements can reveal a lot about their moods.
- lifestyle
5 Ways AI Will Change the Way You Parent Your Pet—Are You Ready?
Advancements in artificial intelligence are changing everything from the way we detect illnesses to how we keep our pets safe.
- lifestyle
How to Throw a New Year’s Bash When Your Co-Host Is a Cat
Ring in 2024 with a party that doesn’t involve your cat pouncing on your pals during their New Year’s kiss.
- behavior
Can Cats Have Nightmares?
If so, they’re probably about going to the vet in that stupid carrier.
- behavior
How to Keep Your Cat Away From the Christmas Tree
It’s their favorite of your holiday decorations—for better or for worse (usually worse).
- health
What Are Cat Pheromones and How Do They Work?
Communication is key, and pheromones are your cat’s version of DMs.
- health
New Research Aims to Reduce Cat Stress During Nail Trims
Plus, expert advice on how to trim your cat’s nails at home.
- behavior
Your Cat Can Make Nearly 300 Unique Facial Expressions, Study Finds
They’re not so mysterious after all.
- lifestyle
Why Napping With Your Pet Is Actually Good for You
This study says you benefit from a power nap. Guess what? So does your cat or dog.
- behavior
A New Drug Could Help Your Stressed-Out Cat Get Through Trips to the Vet
If your cat’s ripping their carrier to shreds, there might be an answer.
- lifestyle
Has a Cat Wandered Into Your Life? It Could Be the Cat Distribution System
TikTok thinks the universe just provides you a cat—is that really a thing?
- lifestyle
How to Get a Holiday Photo With Your Cat as Good as Taylor Swift’s “Time” Cover
Maybe even better.
- behavior
How to Spot the Difference Between Male and Female Cats
There’s more to it than what you learned in health class.
- behavior
Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?
If your cat nibbles on pen caps and power cords, they could be bored...
- behavior
Why Do Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark?
Those glowing orbs are actually a pretty useful result of evolution.
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Catnip?
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic “yes,” but...not so fast.
- health
Whisker Fatigue — Apparently It’s a Thing
Or, is it a genius marketing ploy to get you to buy fancy “whisker friendly” cat bowls? We asked a vet...
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6 Ways Your Cat Could Tell You They Are in Pain
Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting.
- lifestyle
Why You Should Adopt a “Less Adoptable” Cat
Here’s why bonded kitties, senior cats, and felines with FIV make just as amazing pets as any other.
- behavior
How to Build Your New Cat’s Trust in You
If your cat still approaches you with a figurative arched eyebrow of skepticism, try these tricks to put them at ease.
- behavior
Cats vs. Dogs: Behavior, Intelligence, and Care Similarities and Differences
There’s no winning this argument, but here’s what you should know about parenting your new pet.
- shopping
Mau Designs Fierce Furniture For Cats Who Are Wild at Heart
Sustainable home decor for “tree cats,” “bush cats” and every little lion in between.
- lifestyle
The Bewitching History of Black Cats and Halloween
How witches, the original cat ladies, and their feline familiars became culturally bound to All Hallows’ Eve.
- behavior
10 Signs Your Cat Has Imprinted on You
Feeling like you have a little shadow these days? Here’s why that’s happening.
- behavior
Why is My Cat Twitching in Their Sleep?
Why do they do it? Here are the top three reasons your cat twitches in their sleep — from sweet dreams to scary spasms.
- behavior
Speech Buttons Aren’t Just for Dogs — Cats Are Chiming In, Too
Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson and her viral cat, Steve, are successfully communicating with speech buttons.
- behavior
Not All Cat Toys Are Created Equal
Here are the toys that will motivate your pet to get in the game.
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Should I Let My Cat Sleep With Me? Things to Consider About Having Your Cat in Bed
Here are the pros and cons of having a feline sleeping buddy.
- lifestyle
What to Expect in the First 48 Hours With Your New Cat
Here’s how to help your rescue kitty feel at home.
- behavior
Why Does Your Cat Headbutt You? Curious Cat Behavior Explained
Apparently, you should take it as a compliment.
- behavior
Why Cats Like to Hit the High Spots
Animal behaviorist Karen B. London on how to create great escapes for your cat without leaving home.
- behavior
How to Know if Your Cat is a Righty or a Lefty
A cat’s paw preference can give you insight into their temperament, behavior, and emotions.
- lifestyle
How to Teach Your Kitty-Obsessed Kid How to Pet a Cat
Boundaries are the name of the game with this one.
- nutrition
Why Is My Cat Not Eating? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
A veterinary nutritionist explains why your cat isn’t eating and how to increase their appetite.
- lifestyle
Black Cats: Good Luck Charms or Bad Omens?
August 17 is Black Cat Appreciation Day. Let’s dispel some silly superstitions that haunt them.
- behavior
A Step by Step Guide on How to Clicker Train Your Cat
This popular training technique isn’t just for dogs. Here’s how you can use it for your cat.
- behavior
Preventing Escape Artists: How to Keep Your Cat from Running Away
Your kitty’s an explorer. Just keep their expeditions indoors.
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Do Cats Get Jealous? Exploring Feline Emotions and Social Dynamics
Is there a green-eyed monster hiding in that adorable ball of fluff?
- behavior
Why Is My Cat Hiding?
No, they’re not on the lam. Here are four reasons your cat might be MIA.
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Uncovered Secrets: Why Cats Don’t Always Cover Their Poop
And how you can encourage them to cover up after doing their business.
- behavior
Get to the Point: Can Cats Play With Laser-Pointer Toys?
People have opinions about this cat toy. Here’s what you need to know.
- health
It’s Seriously Uncool to Declaw Your Cat
A cat veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke.
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I Tested My Cat’s DNA, and Here Are the Results
From health predispositions to breed history, Wisdom Panel’s genetic testing revealed my cat’s internal world.
- health
Did Your Cat Just Sneeze Like a Human Being? Here’s Why
Kitty sneezes can be alarming, but they’re not always cause for concern.
- behavior
In “Kitty Language,” Lili Chin Draws You a Literal Cheat Code to Your Cat
The author and artist uses informative (and freakin’ adorable) images to teach cat parents everything about kitty communication.
- behavior
Dream of High-Fiving Your Cat? Here’s How to Teach a Cat Tricks
It takes some patience (shocker), but it can be done.
- behavior
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress.
- behavior
Neutering Male Cats: Behavior and Recovery Guide
If you’re bracing yourself for some wackiness, don’t worry — it won’t last forever.
- behavior
Cats vs. Dogs: Exploring Feline Intelligence and Canine IQ
A common (if not silly) question with a complicated answer.
- lifestyle
Is Your Cat’s Separation Anxiety Ruining Their Life and Yours?
Why your cat freaks out when you’re away (and how to help).
- behavior
How to Stop Your Cat From Absolutely Ripping Apart Your Couch
Placing a cat tree or post in a room only, uh, scratches the surface of solving this problem.
- behavior
You Might Be the Reason Your Cat Is So Moody, Study Finds
Good thing they can’t talk about you in therapy.
- health
This Catnip Alternative Will Blow Your Cat’s Mind
If cats had their own TikTok trends, this would be one.
- nutrition
How Long Can Your Always-Hungry Cat Wait For Dinner?
Sometimes, they actually do need to eat.
- behavior
The Feline Five Is a Personality Test That Could Actually Be Useful
You could solve the mystery that is your kitty.
- behavior
5 Signs You Should Get Your Cat a Cat
People, let me tell you ’bout (your cat’s) best friend.
- shopping
How This CBD Brand Is Changing the Trauma Treatment Game For Pets
The founder of Heel on why full-spectrum CBD products can change your bestie’s entire life.
- behavior
Does Your Scent Actually Help Calm Your Cat?
They want you around more than your sweaty T-shirt in their carrier, but thanks for the thought.
- behavior
5 Ways You’re Low-Key Ruining Your Cat’s Life
Just kidding, but you (or other pets) might be stressing them out more than necessary. Here’s how.
- behavior
With the Help of Cats, Humans Can Land on Their Feet Too
Turns out, cats have made medical breakthroughs simply by being...cats.
- health
Cat Jumping Off the Literal Walls? They Could Have Hyperthyroidism
Everything you need to know about the common disease.
- behavior
What to Do When Your Cat Refuses to Be (Litter) Boxed In
A cat behaviorist explains why they are so particular about where they pop a squat.
- behavior
Are Your Cats Playing or Is This a Full-On Scar Vs. Simba Fight?
A recent study breaks down the difference.
- shopping
The Best Catnip Toys and Treats That’ll Have Your Cat Riding High
Let the purring, drooling, and chasing invisible butterflies commence.
- behavior
Why Does Your Cat Wake You Up at Night?
You want to sleep, your cat wants to party. Here’s how to deal.
- behavior
Your Cat Hates It When You Frown
According to a new study, cats know what their parents’ facial expressions mean. Just, uh, FYI.
- behavior
How to Keep Your Kitten From Making You the Toy at Playtime
Your cat deserves to play. You deserve to walk away unscathed.
- behavior
Does Your Cat’s Fur Pattern Determine Their Personality?
It’s a little more complicated than that.
- behavior
Is Your Cat Mad at You, Or Is That Just Their Face?
Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson on how to tell if your cat is grumpy — or just kind of like that.
- behavior
How to Stop Your Cat From Using Your Holiday Decorations to Torture You
There is a way to keep these holiday chaos demons at bay — here are some tips.
- behavior
Your Cat’s Erratic Zoomies — Explained
Fast, furious, and officially normal — according to a cat behaviorist.
- behavior
Cats Aren’t Loners, After All
Cat behaviorist Kristiina Wilson on the importance of socializing cats.
- lifestyle
How to Keep Your Cat From Having a Full Freakout When You’re Away
Cristin Tamburo, a.k.a. The Cat Counselor, gives essential advice on keeping your cats chill while you’re away.
- behavior
How to Stop Your Cat From Munching On All of Your Precious Plants
Tips to get your cat to quit eating your greens.
- behavior
Your Pet’s Behavioral Issues Might Be All in Their Gut
It’s a gut thing: Your dog’s GI issues could be linked to their mental health.
- behavior
Despite Their Mariah Carey Attitudes, Cats Know Each Other’s Names
They’d probably still say, “I don’t know her.”
- behavior
You Don’t Have to Live Like This—You Can Get a Trainer For Your Cat
Tips to help you find a legit behaviorist (according to a veterinary behaviorist).
- behavior
Is It Full Goblin-Mode Behavior for Your Cat to Play with Their Food?
Nope, an animal behaviorist confirms it’s cool.
- behavior
Does Your Pet Need Therapy?
Dogs and cats can’t read self-help books, so a veterinary behaviorist explains how your pet may benefit from being in treatment.
- behavior
Is My Cat Happy?
In this excerpt from her new book, Purr: The Science of Making Your Cat Happy, animal behaviorist Zazie Todd shares science-backed insights into our cats’ moods.
- lifestyle
7 Steps to Keep Your New Kitten Happy and Healthy
With great cuteness comes great responsibility. A vet breaks down everything you need to know when you bring home a new kitten.
- behavior
How to Scent Train Your Cat
A veterinarian on how nosework and scent enrichment can strengthen your bond.
- behavior
What’s All the Cat Chatter About?
Scientists believe they could be mimicking the calls of their prey.
- behavior
Your Cat Can Read the Room Better Than You Think
A new study finally confirms what pet parents already know: cats are great communicators.
- behavior
Is Your Cat Judging You?
That disapproving sneer is actually the “Flehmen response.” A cat behaviorist explains how to read cats’ lips.
- nutrition
Feline Foodies
From umami to kokumi, new research proves cats have pretty discerning palates.
- behavior
How to Ease Your (Cat’s) Return-to-Office Anxiety
A veterinarian and a behaviorist’s tips for preparing your cat for your new WFO schedule.
- behavior
Why Are Cats Obsessed with Laptops?
There are lapdogs, and then there are laptop cats. Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo on how to cut down on your cat’s screen time.
- nutrition
Finally, the Reason Why Your Cat Is a Picky Eater
A new study reveals a quick fix for your senior cat’s loss of appetite.
- lifestyle
The Wildest, Wrapped
Our first year in review, from top-read articles and celebrity features to most-popular Instagram and TikTok posts!
- behavior
Why Does My Cat Wake Me Up At the Crack of Dawn?
A cat pawing at your face at 4 a.m. is hard to ignore, but cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo suggests you try.
- behavior
How to Introduce Your Cat to Your Partner
Take things slow, according to cat behaviorist Jennifer Van de Kieft.
- health
How to Make Vet Visits Less Scary For Cats
Two vets share their tips, from choosing a safe carrier to considering anti-anxiety medication.
- lifestyle
Comic Relief with Sam Reece & Emma Stone
The comedy writer and craft enthusiast talks about her celebrity doppelgänger tabby cat.
- health
What’s Up With My Cat’s Skin?
Everything you need to know about cat allergies, according to three veterinary dermatologists.
- health
Is My Cat...Panting?
“Cats don’t pant to cool off like dogs do.” Unless your pet is catching their breath after doing the zoomies, Dr. Gary Weitzman says it could be cause for concern.
- behavior
Study Says “Slow Blinking” at Your Cat Helps You Bond
A team of psychologists at the Universities of Sussex and Portsmouth have discovered the key to building a bond with cats.
- lifestyle
How to Move with a Cat (and Keep Yowling to a Minimum)
Cat behaviorist Cristin Tamburo’s pro tips on how to survive a week in a car with not one, but two cats.
- behavior
Why Do Cats Raise a Paw for No Reason?
Are they saying “Hi” or trying to high five? Cat behaviorists decode your pet’s cryptic hand signal.
- lifestyle
Wild Ones: Kim-Joy, Inki & Mochi
The quirky, Insta-famous baker and The Great British Bake-Off star on her adopted kitten littermates and their fascination with watching her knead dough.
- shopping
Merci Collective’s Crystal-Infused Products Are Calming Anxious Pets
Whether or not you believe in crystal healing, Chani Ronez’s chic, customizable, and sustainable products are designed to help treat everything from separation anxiety to joint pain to GI issues.
- behavior
The Cat Breed-Behavior Connection
Which cats are more likely to have stranger danger? Bite the hand that feeds them? Do the zoomies? Scientists studied 5,700 pet cats and discovered some interesting traits.
- behavior
30 Strange Signs My Cat is Happy
September is National Happy Cat Month. From puking on your least favorite shoes to biting you less (not zero, just less), here are all the ways to tell if your cat is actually happy.
- lifestyle
My Cat’s Morning Screams™️, Translated
What I think my cat is trying to tell me at the crack of dawn. Every. Single. Morning.
- lifestyle
How to Re-Enter Society, According to My Cat
After 18+ months of social isolation, here are some helpful tips for reacclimatizing to the world from an expert on social awkwardness — my cat.
- lifestyle
Welcome to the Jungle: How to Introduce a New Cat to Your Pets
Feels high stakes because it kind of is.
- behavior
Cat Hissing: Fair Warning or Fighting Words?
Your cat’s hissy fit could mean Don’t test me or Let’s do this. We wouldn’t call their bluff.