Buying One Bottle of This Rosé Could Save a Shelter Animal
It’s never too early to buy that special Valentine’s Day bottle of wine—and help a pet in need.

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The new year is here, and so are all the resolutions you make to mark January 1. Your list might include partaking in Dry January, but you might also want to make a difference in the lives of rescue animals. So, here’s a proposition: Buy a bottle of Rescue Roséopens in a new tab, a wine that benefits animals in needopens in a new tab by giving proceeds from each bottle to shelters. So, even if you save it until Valentine’s Day (or Feb. 1), you’ve already done some good for shelter animals in the meantime. And if you want to pop it open as soon as it arrives, we support that, too — winter is long, and booze helps.
Nola Singeropens in a new tab, stylist-turned-entrepreneur is the creator of the Provence-style rosé that’s produced in Santa Rosa, California. The Wildest spoke with Singer, (who’s behind some of Hollywood chicest red carpet looksopens in a new tab), about her path to winemaking, the importance of her growing business, and the very special pup who graces her wine labels.
Where did you grow up, and have you always been around fashion and animals?
I was born and raised in LA and have always loved fashion and animals. I am very fortunate my parents took me to the shelter when I was eight, and we adopted our family pet, a Lab mix named Toby. We were extremely bonded; he even used to sleep in my room when I was at school. I’m an Aquariusopens in a new tab, so I’m all heart, humanitarian, and creative.
Your story from stylist to entrepreneur is so interesting to me. Rather than doing something within the industry, you decided to branch out to another world entirely. Where does your interest in wine-making come from?
I really wanted to find a way to help animals. I love wine and thought it would be amazing if I could make a wine that benefits animal rescue. Finding the right vineyard to partner with on this project took a lot of time. It was important to me that the wine was delicious and clean. Rescue Rosè is vegan and gluten-free. The vineyard in Santa Rosa, California, is certified sustainable, and they have a lot of organic practices; they’re even solar-powered.
I dream of eventually opening a vineyard that is also a sanctuary where homeless animals can live. People can visit and enjoy wine while being surrounded by senior animals up for adoption. I hope this wine grows and can help save thousands of animals.
Have you found any crossover with your two — actually three — lines of work: styling, wine-making, and animal rescue? I’m visualizing it like a Venn Diagram.
My clients love to drink Rescue Rosé during our fittings. The wine, animal rescue, and styling all blend because I am passionate about all those parts of my life. Luckily, all my clients support animal rescue and are amazing people, many of whom I have helped adopt dogs themselves. I feel like my experience with styling helps in my work with the wine.
You launched in 2020 during the pandemic, when many people adopted dogs. Since then, we’ve seen an influx of dogs returning to shelters. How has Rescue Rosé been actively helping with this?
Rescue Rosé has helped by donating and supporting the nonprofit organizations I Stand With My Packopens in a new tab, A Purposeful Rescueopens in a new tab, and Love Leo Rescueopens in a new tab save animals. I have also donated wine and participated in fundraisers for other animal rescue charities. Helping people, whether my styling clients or otherwise, adopt and foster dogs has been the most rewarding. I have also connected with the most inspiring people who help animals and love wine.
Why is this kind of advocacy so crucial?
Our shelter system is so broken. It is so heartbreaking to see the shelters so full. No one is enforcing spay-and-neuter laws opens in a new tabor checking up on all the conditions of breeders. Some shelters are so full that dogs are in crates in the hallway, and some even hold multiple dogs, which leads to fights breaking out. People are still buying dogs instead of saving a life.
With the rescues drowning, I raise awareness and promote adoption. Every breed is available to rescue with breed-specific rescues opens in a new tabin almost every state. Shelters are filled with purebred dogs, mixed-breed dogs, puppies, and dogs of every age.
I hope Rescue Rosé helps connect good people who love wine and animals. I would love to host happy hours, bringing wine and animal lovers together, and I look forward to hosting events that showcase animals up for adoption to help them find good homes while raising money to save more animals in need.
You donate 20 percent to rescues per bottle, which is a substantial donation. How many bottles do you produce a year?
I produce about 100 cases yearly, and the business is still growing. I am going slow, and the pandemic has made it challenging since I launched in 2020. Just as restaurants were ordering wine, they had to close. Luckily, people loved the wine and showed support. My goal is to grow the business more and help save thousands of animals.
Why did you decide to produce rosé over other wines?
I personally love rosè; it is my favorite wine. Eventually, I would love to have more varieties of wine.
Where can people buy in support and, of course, try the wine?
Rescue Rosé is sold onlineopens in a new tab and at AOCopens in a new tab, Paceopens in a new tab, Farmshopopens in a new tab, Ladyhawk at the Lapeer Hotelopens in a new tab, Larchmont Village Wineopens in a new tab, Bottled Poetryopens in a new tab, and Hillcrest Country Clubopens in a new tab.
Why is animal rescue so close to your heart?
Rescuing an animal is incredible. Firstly, dogs know when you save them and will be the most loving and loyal companions. Secondly, as I said, you can adopt any breed and age you want. We are euthanizing millions of dogs every year, and it feels so good to know you are helping that animal and making space in the shelter or with a rescue to save another dog's life. Lastly, seeing their transformation is so fulfilling if you adopt a dog with a rough past. There is no need to buy a dog.
What has been your experience with rescuing?
My own dog, Blanche, was only nine months old when I adopted her. She was being held at the shelter for an abuse case. When I met her, she was so scared she wouldn’t even let me hold her. I brought her home and gave her food for three hours so she would trust me. She is a Pug, also known as a pig, so food helped her trust me. Hours later, she was sleeping in the bed, following me around, and wanting to be pet. I brought Blanche out with me to socialize her. The friendly, confident, and calm energy of the older dog I’d adopted also helped her feel safe.
Blanche is a different dog today. She was terrified of everyone, especially men, but now she doesn’t hide and will greet people and wag her tail. She runs around and plays like a dog. It’s the best gift to see her transformation and know that my love helped her overcome her fears and past.
Important question: Who is the dog on the bottle?
My pug, Blanche, is on the bottle, of course! She is a brindle Pug who I rescued from the Downey Animal Care Centeropens in a new tab. I named her after Blanche from The Golden Girls.

Elizabeth Tamkin
Elizabeth Tamkin is a former market editor who now freelances as a stylist and writer, heads creative production at Kule, and takes personal styling appointments. She resides in New York City with her daughter, Bow (the French Bulldog).
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